Echoes of Contemporary Art in China
场地 | Venue
Hong Art Museum, Chongqing
展览日期 | Exhibition Dates
2024.11.26 - 2025.2.28
开幕式 | Vernissage
2024.11.26 | 2 PM

Chen Nier is an artist from Chongqing, China, who has been actively engaged in contemporary art creation since 2008 and is self-taught. She studied music at University. Chen has expanded her artistic vision from music to visual arts, from which she has found a powerful form of self-expression and freedom. In the meantime, she is also a veteran classical music program host and music critic in Chongqing. Her creative process in the visual arts consists mainly of painting and installation art, in which she specializes in mixed media, using a variety of materials to explore the limits of art creation.
In September 2022, Chen moved to Berlin, Germany, where she now lives and works. Her artistic process is very intuitive and driven by personal experiences and emotions. She sees art as a medium to escape social constraints, allowing her to explore themes that resonate with her, such as the relationship between people and their environment, the subconscious, and the intersection of cultural identities.
Chen’s work is often spontaneous, improvised, and maintains an inherent similarity to music, which reflects her desire to keep the creative process raw and authentic, a strong intuition that imbues her work with spirituality. She draws inspiration from her own life, from nature, from the people around her and from her experiences as a newcomer in Germany. Recently, her interactions with refugees from war-torn countries have influenced her latest series of paintings, which are filled with reflections on war, cultural identity and the complexity of human connection in a globalized world.
Currently, Chen is focusing on integrating into German society while continuing to develop her artistic practice, and her latest work explores these new life experiences through a visual lens.