Cornelia Götze



A Fusion of Art and Culture
28 November 2023 – 28 February 2024
Hong Art Museum / Chongqing, China
2023年11月28日 – 2024年2月28日
地点:洪艺术博物馆 / 中国重庆


Pashmin Art Consortia

Cornelia Götze, a renowned German artist born in 1956 in Elsterwerda, has devoted her life to the world of art. For her, painting represents pure bliss, an escape from pain, problems, and worries. When she paints, Götze finds herself in a suspended state where only the act of painting exists, surrounded by a whirlwind of collected facts, sketches, and thoughts, all waiting to conquer the canvas.

Götze’s journey into the realm of art is a fascinating one. She began with a degree in pedagogy from Dresden, followed by a period as a teacher in Weißwasser and Annaberg Buchholz. Her creative spirit led her to venture into the world of relief artistry, with notable works for the Gröditz registry office and a dental practice in Prösen. Later, she pursued a degree in design, honing her artistic skills further. During this time, she also worked as a decorator and vessel designer at “Elsterkeramik” in Elsterwerda. From 1993 to 2019, she served as a teacher for design and art at the OSZ EE, demonstrating her commitment to art education. Since the summer of 2019, she has dedicated herself exclusively to her artistic endeavors.

Götze’s art is a reflection of her passions and convictions. She paints a wide range of subjects, from philosophical themes to personal and societal narratives. However, her primary focus remains on the preservation of nature. She considers a thriving natural environment as the foundation for all life and strives to raise awareness about environmental issues through her art. Rejecting war as a means to address contemporary problems, she believes in the necessity of collaboration among progressive forces to find solutions. Götze’s artistic style is marked by experimentation and innovation. She seamlessly blends naturalistic techniques with abstract forms of color application, such as throwing, pouring, wiping, sewing, and collage. Her choice of technique is dictated by the essence of each specific theme she explores, resulting in a diverse and captivating body of work.

Cornelia Götze’s artistic journey is a testament to the power of art as a means of expression and advocacy. Her passion for painting and her unwavering dedication to preserving the natural world serve as an inspiration to fellow artists and environmentalists alike. Through her art, she not only creates beautiful and thought-provoking pieces but also calls on society to unite in safeguarding our planet for future generations.



戈茨的艺术之旅令人着迷。她先获得了德累斯顿的教育学学位,然后在魏斯瓦瑟和安纳贝格布克霍尔茨担任教师。她的创造力推动她涉足浮雕艺术领域,为Gröditz登记处和Prösen的一家牙科诊所创作了杰出的作品。后来,她攻读设计学位,进一步磨练了自己的艺术技能。在此期间,她还在埃尔斯特韦尔达的“埃尔斯特陶瓷”公司担任装饰师和器皿设计师。从1993年到2019年,她担任了OSZ EE的设计与艺术教师,表现出她对艺术教育的执着。自2019年夏季以来,她全身心地投入到了她的艺术事业中。

